The largest wholesale market in China is in Liwan Plaza in Guangzhou! Many stalls selling amber, zero -selling wholesale, tracking the source, is a small factory in Shenzhen Yanchuan and Songgang, and a large factory in Changmu in Dongguan. Gdansk in Poland, Russia's Kalinrad has wholesale. Secondly, there are also many small amber beeswax processing workshops in Yanchuan, Shenzhen!
Huarin International in Liwan District, Guangzhou, Guangzhou is the largest Wenwan wholesale market in China. Now I have also made some markets here.
The largest wholesale market in China is in Liwan Plaza in Guangzhou! Many stalls selling amber, zero -selling wholesale, tracking the source, is a small factory in Shenzhen Yanchuan and Songgang, and a large factory in Changmu in Dongguan. Gdansk in Poland, Russia's Kalinrad has wholesale.
Secondly, there are also many small amber beeswax processing workshops in Yanchuan, Shenzhen!