4 thoughts on “Can anyone tell me how many RMB names of all national currencies, formats (USD = 7.15 RMB)”
National/Regional Currency Symbol International Code Albania L ALL GRD R N Austrian S ATS Ikr ISK Azerbaijan HZM India RS Inr Bahamas B $ BSD Indonesia RP IDR R N Persian KM BAM Japan JPY Brazil R $ BRL JD JDD JDD Cameroon CFAF XAF Korea W KRW CH $ CLP Macau P MOP China ¥ CNY Luxf LUF Colombia Col $ COP Malaysia RM MyR Croatia HRK HRK Malt LM MTL N R N, Cyprinz, 0.5C CYP Mongolia TUG MNT Czechoslovak KC CZK MAD . NLG Finnish MK Fim Noven NKR NSK 5 GBP Philippine DESHHED PHP Polish ZDASHED L DLZ Tur Tl TRL Rugx Ugx Russia R R R R R R Rub Uah n Rwa RWF UAED r r r r r Saudi Arabia SRLS SAR USD Singapore S $ SGD Uzbekistan UES ATS YRLS YER , Spain PTAS ESP Vietnam D VND
Taiwan NT $ TWD Tang plus PT (T $) top Tjikistan TJR Thailand BHT (BT) ThB
United States: USD -USD, Britain: British: Gbp, Europe: Euro -EUR, Australia: Australian dollar -AUD, Japan: yen -jpy, Canada: Canadian Yuan -CAD, Swiss: Swiss -CHF, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand : New Yuan -NZD The RMB did not change directly in other countries, but just cross -conversion! It now international is mainly US dollars in currency exchange
The exchange rate of RMB and other currencies is different every day. The price of Bank of China will help you. ////.asp The latest card price in real time. Essence Essence
National/Regional Currency Symbol International Code
Albania L ALL GRD
R N Austrian S ATS Ikr ISK
Azerbaijan HZM India RS Inr
Bahamas B $ BSD Indonesia RP IDR
R N Persian KM BAM Japan JPY
Cameroon CFAF XAF Korea W KRW
CH $ CLP Macau P MOP
China ¥ CNY Luxf LUF
Colombia Col $ COP Malaysia RM MyR
Croatia HRK HRK Malt LM MTL N R N, Cyprinz, 0.5C CYP Mongolia TUG MNT
Czechoslovak KC CZK MAD
Finnish MK Fim Noven NKR NSK
5 GBP Philippine DESHHED PHP
Rugx Ugx
Russia R R R R R R Rub Uah n Rwa RWF UAED r r r r r
Saudi Arabia SRLS SAR USD
Singapore S $ SGD Uzbekistan UES
, Spain PTAS ESP Vietnam D VND
Taiwan NT $ TWD Tang plus PT (T $) top
Tjikistan TJR Thailand BHT (BT) ThB
United States: USD -USD, Britain: British: Gbp, Europe: Euro -EUR, Australia: Australian dollar -AUD,
Japan: yen -jpy, Canada: Canadian Yuan -CAD, Swiss: Swiss -CHF, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand : New Yuan -NZD
The RMB did not change directly in other countries, but just cross -conversion!
It now international is mainly US dollars in currency exchange
The exchange rate of RMB and other currencies is different every day. The price of Bank of China will help you. ////.asp The latest card price in real time. Essence Essence
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